VolunteerMatters for YMCAs

Across the country, YMCAs are addressing the unique needs of more than 10,000 communities with the help of dedicated volunteers. There are already more than 600,000 volunteers working on behalf of the YMCA, providing invaluable support and service. Imagine the transformational impact in communities nationwide if Ys could mobilize their current volunteers and activate more of their members and neighbors in service through the Y!

To realize this vision, YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) collaborated with VolunteerMatters to customize a volunteer management system that will allow YMCAs to recruit, manage and retain their volunteers more effectively. This system improves the user experience and functionality associated with every aspect of the volunteer onboarding, management and engagement process to make it easier for staff, volunteers, and prospective volunteers to advance the Y’s cause.

VolunteerMatters historically has had a fantastic relationship with the YUSA and local YMCA’s throughout the country. They provide a streamlined process that can be fitted to each volunteer role which I’m thankful for! It is a detailed software that understands the value of onboarding, training and managing volunteers.

VolunteerMatters historically has had a fantastic relationship with the YUSA and local YMCA’s throughout the country. They provide a streamlined process that can be fitted to each volunteer role which I’m thankful for! It is a detailed software that understands the value of onboarding, training and managing volunteers. I appreciate that the volunteers' information is all under their own personal profile where volunteers can review their onboarding progress, past volunteer opportunities they supported and their total volunteer hours. It is a great software and cannot imagine going to any other competitor. What I also feel is unique about VolunteerMatters is that they have a dedicated team who is available anytime through email and/or phone call which has been a lifesaver for me while I continue to develop the software to meet our Y’s needs.

Elise Kingma
Elise Kingma
Treasure Valley Family YMCA

Ease of management and volunteer tracking. With the number of volunteers we need for our programs, we need an easy way to manage them.

We were using Playerspace, it was not a good fit for volunteer management for the types of programs we were running.

We chose VolunteerMatters because it was a recommendation from YUSA and other Y’s that use the software.

Ease of management and volunteer tracking. With the number of volunteers we need for our programs, we need an easy way to manage them.

We were using Playerspace, it was not a good fit for volunteer management for the types of programs we were running.

We chose VolunteerMatters because it was a recommendation from YUSA and other Y’s that use the software.

Leila Wright
Leila Wright
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee

Volunteer Recruitment Videos

VolunteerMatters can produce recruitment videos for your YMCA volunteer programs.  Here is a sampling of videos we’ve done for other YMCAs.

An association our size needed an official program or software to manage the thousands of volunteers that serve annually. The benefits have included organized volunteer opportunity postings, tracking of volunteer info, expiration reminders on CBCs/trainings/etc, and has improved our record keeping.

Prior to VolunteerMatters we used multiple different vendors to run the CBCs over the years. Everything else was done in the branch individually and we had no formal tracking program or postings for volunteer opportunities. VolunteerMatters has really streamlined the process.

An association our size needed an official program or software to manage the thousands of volunteers that serve annually. The benefits have included organized volunteer opportunity postings, tracking of volunteer info, expiration reminders on CBCs/trainings/etc, and has improved our record keeping.

Prior to VolunteerMatters we used multiple different vendors to run the CBCs over the years. Everything else was done in the branch individually and we had no formal tracking program or postings for volunteer opportunities. VolunteerMatters has really streamlined the process.

Chris Berry
Chris Berry
YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City

We switched to VolunteerMatters as we needed a platform that would allow us to work easily with large corporations looking for volunteer opportunities. Since we switched, we have had a higher turn out and retention rate of volunteers than ever before.

Volunteers are essential to the YMCA mission. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to serve the thousands of people in our community to live healthier lives.

We switched to VolunteerMatters as we needed a platform that would allow us to work easily with large corporations looking for volunteer opportunities. Since we switched, we have had a higher turn out and retention rate of volunteers than ever before.

We looked at other options including our existing Raiser’s Edge system but the [Raiser's Edge] public facing interface was not easy to navigate. We needed something simple and user friendly!

Emily Lang
Emily Lang
Capital District YMCA

Volunteerism has been at the core of the Y since our founding. We chose VolunteerMatters to work with because we know we only have one chance to make a positive first impression.

Volunteerism has been at the core of the Y since our founding. We chose VolunteerMatters to work with because we know we only have one chance to make a positive first impression. VolunteerMatters allows for a seamless onboarding for our volunteers that removes barriers that could discourage a potential volunteer. VolunteerMatters allows us to retain historical data on both individual volunteers and the impact of the volunteer program in general in a consistent manner across all of the branches that make up our Association.

Jennifer Gleason
Jennifer Gleason
YMCA of the Triangle

We selected VolunteerMatters due to its background in YMCA volunteerism, the positive feedback we received from other associations that had already begun using the system, and the excellent customer service provided by all members of the VolunteerMatters team from Support all the way to the President.

At the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles, volunteers play a vital role in the fulfillment of our mission. They are involved at the highest levels of leadership and strategy in board and committee positions as well as on the frontlines as food distribution line helpers, camp counselors, membership ambassadors, volunteer campaigners and more. We are only able to have the incredible impact we do because we are supported by and partnered with our volunteers.

A team of staff and volunteer leaders at the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles spent significant time in discussion with one another and with YMCA colleagues across the country to determine how best to address our need to more thoughtfully manage the volunteer registration and onboarding process. We discovered that VolunteerMatters exceeded our expectations early in the relationship. The benefits we have already experienced and foresee continuing are many and varied: easy access for volunteers and the ability to see and sign up for multiple opportunities; ability for staff to broadcast opportunities to large and/or specific audiences; centralized and consistent data collection and reporting; and more.

Prior to VolunteerMatters, we had several different types of software to track volunteers, most recently an Oracle-based customized system we called “YMAPSS.” We had also contemplated using other platforms that we currently use for other purposes such as Raiser’s Edge, ActiveNet, and even Dayforce. Ultimately we selected VolunteerMatters due to its background in YMCA volunteerism, the positive feedback we received from other associations that had already begun using the system, and the excellent customer service provided by all members of the VolunteerMatters team from Support all the way to the President.

Lisa Van Ingen Pope
Lisa Van Ingen Pope
YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles

It has been great to be able to pull up rosters for annual programs. Being able to email everyone who worked on a project the previous year to see if they want to return and help us the next year is very convenient for us and our volunteers.

Volunteers are crucial to the YMCA achieving its mission of promoting healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Our volunteers live, play and work in the communities in which they serve and they are a constant source of insight into how we can improve our programs.

Our Y serves 12 counties in 2 states. With such a large service area, we knew we needed to have a robust volunteer data management system. We wanted to make sure we were screening and training volunteers without having them have to repeat paperwork with each program and branch in which they worked. We are happy with the way we can easily see who has completed the steps in our screening and onboarding process. We also like that you can upload documents so things like reference check information can be stored with a volunteer's profile. It has also been great to be able to pull up rosters for annual programs. Being able to email everyone who worked on a project the previous year to see if they want to return and help us the next year is very convenient for us and our volunteers. Categorizing our projects by their impact area has helped volunteers who are passionate about certain types of work to get involved in what is happening across our association and not just at one branch.

Caroline Mitchell
Caroline Mitchell
Gateway Region YMCA

We are already more organized and able to move volunteers through our process much more quickly and efficiently, all while ensuring that every volunteer has completed the required policy review and approval, safety training, and background check screenings. We just went through our first round of annual reminders to volunteers, and that automated process was very helpful in making sure that our volunteers have refresher training and new background checks each year.

Volunteers are a critical part of the Mystic Valley YMCA's ability to meet its mission. We offer multiple programs addressing Food Insecurity, including operating 3 food pantries which collectively distribute over 2.5 million pounds of free, nutritious food annually to the 29,000 individuals we serve.

We became interested in VolunteerMatters when the number of volunteers we had spiked during the service demands presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Multiple administrative staff were coordinating the recruitment, screening, onboarding, placement and support of volunteers while simultaneously working in direct service and it was too easy for paperwork management to get confusing or for people to fall through the cracks and get frustrated that the process was taking longer than anticipated. VolunteerMatters enabled us to create volunteer opportunities unique to our sites and different programs, streamline our credentialing process, keep all volunteer information in one location, integrate with our online training provider for any required trainings, and more.

We are more organized and able to move volunteers through our process much more quickly and efficiently, all while ensuring that every volunteer has completed all of the required policy review and approval, safety training, and background check screenings. We just went through our first round of annual reminders to volunteers, and that automated process was very helpful in making sure that our volunteers have refresher training and new background checks each year.

Lindsay Smythe
Lindsay Smythe
Mystic Valley YMCA

VolunteerMatters has helped provide structure, from contacts and credential tracking to project setup and volunteer metrics.

Volunteers play a vital role in helping support our staff team with the work that we do on a daily basis. Especially during the pandemic when we had to shift our volunteer opportunities, we had a great response from our volunteer community to support the new things that we could offer through volunteer service and the VolunteerMatters platform was a great help in organizing these activities.

We saw a need within a growing volunteer community to be more efficient in how we organized our Volunteer Program across our YMCA Association. VolunteerMatters has helped provide that structure from contacts and credential tracking to project setup and volunteer metrics. The team at VolunteerMatters is also very supportive of our work with responding to questions and assisting us with making sure we have the best setup for our needs.

Curtis Cecil
Curtis Cecil
The YMCA of Greater Charlotte

Our YMCA Customers

Anaheim Family YMCA
Berkshire Family YMCA
Capital District YMCA
Door County YMCA
Eugene Family YMCA
Gateway Region YMCA
Glacial Community YMCA
Grand Traverse Bay YMCA
Granite YMCA
Greater Somerset County YMCA
Harrison Family YMCA
Hockomock Area YMCA
Missouri Valley Family YMCA
Mystic Valley YMCA
Olympic Peninsula YMCA
Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA
Princeton Family YMCA
Silver Bay YMCA
Treasure Valley Family YMCA
Twin Rivers YMCA
Valley of the Sun YMCA
West Suburban YMCA
YMCA of Central Florida
YMCA of Central Maryland
YMCA of Central New York
YMCA of Central Ohio
YMCA of British Columbia
YMCA of Greater Boston
YMCA of Greater Brandywine
YMCA of Greater Charlotte
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati
YMCA of Greater Dayton
YMCA of Greater Des Moines
YMCA of Greater Erie
YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids
YMCA of Greater Hartford
YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
YMCA of Greater Kansas City
YMCA of Greater Louisville
YMCA of Greater Nashua
YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City
YMCA of Greater Seattle
YMCA of Greater Tulsa
YMCA of Greensboro
YMCA of Greenville
YMCA of Greenwich
YMCA of Indiana County
YMCA of Metro Atlanta
YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga
YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth
YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee
YMCA of Metropolitan Washington
YMCA of Montclair
YMCA of Northern Colorado
YMCA of Northern Utah
YMCA of Pueblo
YMCA of Rock River Valley
YMCA of Silicon Valley
YMCA of South Florida
YMCA of South Palm Beach County
YMCA of Southern Nevada
YMCA of the Foothills
YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
YMCA of the Roses
YMCA of the Triangle Area
YMCA of the USA
YMCA of Western North Carolina
YMCA of Youngstown Ohio
New River YMCA
YMCA of the Northern Sky
YMCA of Central Massachusetts
YMCA of Glendale
YMCA of Greater Toledo
YMCA of Frederick County
YMCA of SE North Carolina
Foundation YMCA of Wilson
Henderson Family YMCA
YMCA of Greater Cleveland

Let your volunteer coordinators do their best work.

Stop messing with tools that aren’t designed to amplify volunteer programs.  With VolunteerMatters, it’s a delight to manage everything in one place.